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Hutchinson City Council Approves Change in Fireworks Regulations


HUTCHINSON, Kan. – The Hutchinson City Council Tuesday approved a change to the city’s fireworks regulations, allowing for fireworks discharging more than six feet into the air to be sold and used within the city limits. Bottle Rockets, per state law, and lantern-type fireworks will remain banned.

The change from the “safe and sane” fireworks policy adopted some years ago was proposed two weeks ago by Vice Mayor Greg Fast after a similar change was approved in Wichita.

The ordinance also states that the discharge of fireworks is only permitted on private property unless a special permit is obtained. This would apply to such gatherings as block parties.

“This change now includes the sale and discharge of aerial fireworks,” Fire Marshal Mike Cain said. “The dates stay the same. The times stay the same.”

Fireworks will be permitted to be sold and discharged within the city limits of Hutchinson from June 30th through July 4th between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.

On a related note, interim City Manager Mary Grace Clements reported to the Council that there have been six fireworks licenses issued by the city, with one more application pending.

Reno County Commissioners are expected to entertain similar regulations for unincorporated areas of the county at their next meeting.