MOUNDRIDGE, Kan. – Moundridge Emergency Services in partnership with Blackhills Energy, and Moundridge USD 423 will be conducting a gas emergency simulation/drill on Tuesday, April 4th, in the morning part of the educational day The drill will only affect the 4-12 building. The PK-3 Elementary will have a regular schedule and will not participate.
“There will be a simulated gas or sewer line leak at the 4-12 MMS/MHS building,” said Moundridge USD 423 Superintendent Cody Rierson. “All students and staff will be evacuated from the building, and depending on the weather and wind will be directed by staff where to proceed. Students will be given explicit instructions such as no cell phones, trying not to touch anything, and even not shuffling their feet. Basically trying to avoid anything which could give off any type of electrical charge.”
Once the students evacuate the building, they will be assisted to a secure location. At that point, other emergency service personnel will be taking over the building and running through their portion of the drill.
“You will likely see many emergency vehicles and personnel responding to the building as part of this exercise,” Rierson said. USD 423 will also send out Test School Messenger notifications during the drill.”
Please note, these are just TEST notifications. If you do not receive communications and would like to, please contact [email protected].
“Our main focus at USD 423 is the safety of our students,” Rierson said. “This is why we have chosen to be a part of this process, in hopes that we can continue growth with overall school safety. We appreciate your partnership and collaboration.”