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Iola Library Introduces Tech for Seniors Wednesday, Jan.15


IOLA, Kan. — Iola Public Library is introducing a new cooperative program TechWise 55+ on Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 4:30 to help persons 55 and older to use digital technology safely and comfortably.

“Easy-to-use and-share content is designed to help families become more familiar with and feel safe in a system that didn’t exist when many were born or even when some were in the workforce,” said Colleen Dobbins.

The program will be presented by Darrin Dougherty, tech consultant for SEK Library Systems. Dougherty will also be discussing internet access, including options recommended by the Kansas Broadband Department for affordable internet based on income, and databases and programs available through the Kansas State Library.

TechWise is a collaborative project of the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center–Greenbush, SEK Area Agency on Aging, Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, and the Southeast Kansas Library System.