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Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) to Dedicate Granite Bench in Honor of the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of the USA 1776-2026


The Hutchinson/ Reno County Chamber of Commerce


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The Sons of the American Revolution National society created an initiative to place a 250th Anniversary bench in every state. The Sons of the Plains chapter created a joint project with two Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) chapters, Uvedale and Dodge City, as well as a Children of the American Revolution Chapter, the Kansas Buffalo Society to raise funds to purchase the granite bench. They also received a donation from The Edgar Grover Family in remembrance of Edgar and Emalene Grover. Edgar was one of the founding members of the SAR Color guard and was at one time a National Commander.

We are all very proud of our Patriotic Heritage and honored that the State Fair Committee has allowed us to place this Granite Bench as a memorial to those who gave us this great nation 250 years ago. 

Join us at the Kansas State Fairgrounds on the North Side of Lake Talbot between the Professional Arts Buildings to dedicate the Sons of the American Revolution, Kansas SAR granite bench on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 10:00AM.