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Area 4th of July Events


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Hutchinson’s fireworks show will be at 9 PM Thursday, viewable from the Kansas State Fairground grandstand.

KINGMAN, Kan. — Kingman’s All American Family Fest takes place Thursday, with activities taking place in Riverside Park with a parade on Main Street at 9. They ask you park at the Kingman Expo Center across the street from the park. Activities during the day include the Rotary Firequacker 100 and Chuck a Duck following the parade along with kids events, a dunk tank, cornhole tournament and a watermelon feed at noon along with food trucks and more. The fireworks will be set off at 9:45

PRATT, Kan. — Pratt is having their 4th of July fireworks on Friday evening at Pratt County Veterans Memorial Lake. Their event is put on by the American Legion Riders Post 86

PEABODY, Kan. — Peabody’s 4th Fest, highlighted by the 103rd annual Fireworks Extravaganza, will be at the City Park. Events will be going on all day including, morning turtle races and horseshoes, a cornhole tournament at noon, free swim at 1, and an ice cream social from 2-4 that will be at the Vintage Bank Park. The parade begins at 5, with music and vendors after the parade, and fireworks and the Battle of New Orleans at dusk. There is a five-dollar button for the park events.

BURRTON, Kan. — Burrton’s 4th of July Party in the Park takes place Thursday, with events centering on Milburn Stone Park. Events start with 3 on 3 basketball, volleyball, and horseshoe tournaments at 8 AM along with the one mile fun run and walk. There will be a parade at 10, after which there will be a variety of games and other events during the day, a free swim from noon to 2 and later in the afternoon co-ed softball, inflatables, and more. A free throw contest starts the evening at 6, with a home run derby at 7, a most patriotic attire contest at 8 and button prizes at 8:15 for which you must be present. Buttons are available today at the city office and fireworks stand and tomorrow in the prize booth at the park. The fireworks go off at dark.

SEDGWICK, Kan. — Sedgwick’s Community 4th of July Community Celebration takes place Wednesday evening from 6-10 at the Sedgwick High School Football Field, with an evening of music and fun ahead of the fireworks.

See more upcoming local events on the Cares page