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USD 308 Board of Education Approves New Coaching Staff, New Welders


eBoard Notes 06/10/2024

By Hutchinson Public Schools


HUTCHINSON, Kan — The USD 308 Hutchinson Public Schools Board of Education held their regularly scheduled meeting on June 10th with a light agenda. The Board approved all items. There were two action items.

First, Supplemental Salary Recommendation presented by Jon McLean, Director of Activities. This item requested three additional coaches, two for wrestling and one for cheerleading. The wrestling program has seen explosive growth since 2020-2021, now serving over 60 student-athletes. The additional wrestling coaches not only provide the recommended ratio of participants to coaches but allows for better competition coverage as Varsity Boys, Girls, and Junior Varsity frequently compete at different sites on the same day. The Hutchinson Middle School girls wrestling program made its debut in the 2023-2024 school year and is expected to flourish in the years to come.

– The Salthawk Cheerleading program is requesting a second assistant coach to supervise the freshman level squad. This would bring the number of coaches to three which better aligns with NIAA & KIAA recommendations. There are three levels of cheerleading: Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman. NIAAA and KIAAA recommend 1 coach per 16-20 students in non-contact activities such as cheer. Salthawk Cheerleading has experienced a notable resurgence in recent years, rebounding from its lowest numbers in 2021 to become a highly competitive program once again. The 2023-2024 team brought home Superior ratings for team and individual performances during their end of year competitions.

– The request for additional coaches was presented to the supplemental committee, made up of members of HNEA and the USD 308 administrative team and passed unanimously. The total cost would be approximately $13,000. After the Board’s approval the final approval will occur with the ratification of the contract for the 2024-2025 school year.

Second, was the purchase of a welder for HCTEA. HCTEA received Board approval to purchase 10 Lincoln Electric 300C welders for the Welding Technology program. These welders are multi-process machines that meet industry standards and curriculum outcomes set by the Kansas Board of Regents Welding program alignment, as well as course competencies for the Kansas Department of Education Manufacturing Pathway. These welders will replace existing equipment. Trade-ins of the existing welders were included in 2 of the 3 sealed bids from vendors.

– The District’s strategic plan for 2024-2028 outlines career and technical education as a competitive advantage. Hutchinson High School’s Career & Technical Education Academy (HCTEA) programs offer 23 career pathways. The award winning program is delivered in conjunction with Hutchinson Community College. In May, the program and its students competed in the SkillsUSA Kansas State Championships held in Hutchinson on the CTEA campus. 22 students placed in the top three, 6 gold winners qualified for the National conference to be held later this month, and Alan Beck was recognized for Outstanding Service Award. The program was recognized with the Quality Chapter Award and the Largest 5/6A Chapter Award with 102 members. In 2023, HCTEA was named Best Technical/Trade School by The Hutchinson News.

All other items were approved unanimously. During Board Discussion, Boardmember Cheryl Thompson asked to revisit the current agreement with the YMCA. This was directed to be put on the next meeting agenda. The Board agenda can be found at: The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting will be held on June 24th, 6:00 pm at the USD 308 Administration Center, 1520 N. Plum.